Mr. Wonderful

Oct 15, 2006
Just another instance of why you don't take a black quarterback on Day 1 of the draft.

His best years are behind him.

Never here of this with peyton Manning
Oct 15, 2006

A true Idiot statement like this puts Vick one notch above you Mr Wonderful.

Haha. everything I say is documented by fact. its explained in the rubber room. Black quarterbacks are injury proned and miss at least 1 full season due to injury, are horribly inconsistant and drastically decline when they hit age 30. Check the rubber room thread out, its a fact, not racism or any of that BS.

McNabs the best of the bunch. Look at how much time he has missed and think how long it took him to just figure it out. You have such a small window with those guys. his best years are behind him too.
Oct 15, 2006
Compare that to the list of the top 4 quarterbacks in the NFL. True franchise guys. Notice anything here.

1. Peyton manning
2. Drew Brees
3. Carson palmer
4. Tom Brady

all pocket guys. Manning and Brady haven't missed a game due to injury. palmer and Brees was more fluke than anything else but they still did not miss any real time.

Black quarterbacks can not be franchise type guys. And I think I'll take manning's mooning at the ripe age of 20 in college over carrying weed through the airport, dog fighting, firing a gun at 3 in the morning at a strip club or any of that BS. This isn't racist, its just facts. GM's are making million of dollars but ignore this simple thing. They make the same mistake year after year. I'd be the best GM in the history of basketball or football. I know it.
Oct 15, 2006
Based on your logic and your so called expertise in Basketball. Why aren't there more white PGs in the NBA. Also, let's face it until 10 years ago, black qbs weren't even given a chance. They were moved to WR.

Yes, the 4 qbs you listed are the top qbs, but then how do you explain the following:

Joey Harrington
David Carr
Charlie Frye
Andrew Walter

Why aren't these guys stars, they haven't been hurt, they are pocket passers?

Are you serious. geeze. White point guards? Well, lets see. for one, that is basketball and not football. second, thats all about quickness, athleticism, leaping ability, etc. Thats what homeboys excel at. Thats why they play basketball. OOverall, they are just more athletically gifted than white people. sure there are some exceptions. But having an athletic running quarterback is slightly different than having a point guard of any color. We are talking franchise guys here at both positions but guess what injury rate will be higher.

Why aren't the guys you listed franchise quarterbacks? Ummm, why aren't I? i'm white. Why aren't you? I'll say this, Tim Couch could have been a true franchise quarterback coming out if he had real coaching, just decent recievers, decent luine, and decent RB. The Browns have been an absolute disaster since returning to the league. But I don't need to debate that but poor coaching stability, Kevin Johnson was their #1 receiver and William green ended up being a bust.

Why aren't their white running backs? You should know the answer. Their are fundamental differences in blacks and whites. People need to learn that and accept it.

Here are some FACTS:

Vick: Misssed 1 whole season and a couple games here and there: broken leg from running

Culpepper: torn ACL from RUNNING

McNair: when 8is he not hurt. he's missed the equivalent of at least 2 seasons

McNab: See McNair: Seems he's hurt almost every year

Vince Young: Will be hurt. Just a matter of time especially since he is not as fast as others and just more glides when he runs. i predict he will miss 2 full seasons

Given its a small sample size, but that is 100% of the black quarterbacks. And even if you throw Leftwich in there who is a pocket guy and slow delivery, he missed basically all of last season plus has proven not to be a franchise guy.
Oct 15, 2006
Just curious....why are you not the Best GM in the History of Basketball or Football? Also, just a lil hint..The 1st person who start a statement letting you know up front it's not racist, is usually a Racist. That's documented

Simply because I didn't play the sport in the 60's or 70's. GM's are business positions yet teams always feel the need to hire ex-athletes that are just there because of their physical talent.

Is Michael Jordan a real GM? How about matt Millen? Why do they have those jobs? how about Kevin McHale?

Guys, I'm right about allof this stuff. I've thought about it many many times.
Oct 15, 2006
I say the racist line because i've given my thoughts on tjhis subject to vpeople before and everytime, they come back with that line since they can't give any real information on it, they just go ahead and attack the credibility of the poster.

Like calling someone ignorant. Notice people often do that, but they can't really say why because they are basing everything off this politically correct world.

Just like if Mel Kiper came in and said what i said even though its fact, he'd get slammed so bad and most likely fired and labeled as a "racist" even though its 100% true.

Sad world these days.
Oct 15, 2006
its hear but that is irrelevant..........are you levi's little sister?.........that is all i can figure


mOST JUST DON'T GET IT BECAUSE THEey have this politically correct crap stuffed down their throats all day
Oct 15, 2006
I have definitely lost all respect for Vick. A true idiot, thug just like his brother. These people should never be given 3rd, 4th, and 5th chances.

If he wasn't in the NFL he's be drug dealing or be in prison. Or if he's lucky, he'll have some minumum wage fast food type of job.

have I explained my "coin flip" theory on here to you folks?
Oct 15, 2006
i'm not pol correct i just think you are levis little reason to get huffy toots

Yeah because girls usually have my knowledge and would not take a black quarterback on day 1 of the draft.

I'm not sure if I want you around or not. Tough call. Why should i keep you around?
Oct 15, 2006
because i am white i would fit perfectly on your dream team...........when you play with your dolls do you play with the black ones or just the white ones?

Usually, after I get done hugging my trees and bitching about the "war in Iraq", i usually try to play with the mixed race ones first. I find the black ones live in the really poor ghetto kinda doll houses and I just don't want those in my room with my pink curtains and my crib and can't pull off the "We was playing outside today, you know what I'm sayin" that well
Oct 15, 2006
I remember I think it was the 2001 combine here in indy and all the scouts and GM's were in town and my fried worked at an upscale bar. Anyway, some reps from the arizona Cardinals come in and I start talking with them and they were tight lipped on who they were seriously wanting. Anyway, after some drinks, they let it out and it was Wendell Bryant; a DT from Wisconsin. I completely ripped them on this pick and let them know I know what i'm talking about and that pick would be a mistake. So, this guy who was all drunk says something like "this guy is like fucking Mel Kiper" I laughed but Wendell Bryany ended up being one of the worst top 10picks ever per the poster that posted the worst pick at the individual slots.

Some will never get it. And the cardinals wonder why they have sucked forever.
Oct 15, 2006
Simple draft rule all teams ignore "if a guy stinks in college, he will stink in the NFL."

I don't know. I never heard of steve Smith or chad johnson in college but I heard plenty about Keyshawn.

Heard an awful lot of chris Weinke in college but he is not even good enough to start in the NFL. Look at all the past Heismna winners struggles in the NFL.

I think it is actually rare to have someone that was an absolute stud in college and the pros. Tomlinson and Peyton are the only 2 that come to mind. look at Tom brady; mediocre college career; same with joe montana. carson palmer may fit on the above list with manning and LT though.
Oct 15, 2006
OJK, I get it but whoever posted that Vince is a success in the NFL is sadly mistaken. Statistically speaking, he had the worst numbers last year of any starting quarterback including the frequently malighed rex grossman and David Carr who played 14 olut of the 16 games that Vince played as common opponents.
Oct 15, 2006
Ahhhh, oy uguys will never get it.

Culpepper and vicks were not freak accidents because they were running dumbass. Palmer and brees were in the pocket

I can't believe some people are so fucken dumb.
Oct 15, 2006
Mcnabb a star: haha. Seriously. So I guess Drew brees is what; the best QB of all time behind of course, Peyton who no one even comes close too

McNabb a star. My god. It took him 3 years to learn an NFL offense and then he has missed 2 years worth of playing tim3e and is already on the downside of his career yet he was drafted a year behind manning while manning is still in his prime at 31. sounds like a star I guess if you compare him to other black QB's
Oct 15, 2006
Who knows if Vick had knowledge of this. I would guess he had no knowledge of it whats so ever so I am not going to blame him. That is like me renting my house to a relative and them selling drugs and doing that out of it. If I don't check up, because I am loaded and trust them, then why is it my fault. People just look for ways to bash Vick.

Woderful you are also an idiot. There have been about 1/1000000th the amount of black Qb's as White ones right?

But yet I could make a list of the most dangerous QB's in the NFL and maybe two of the top 5 would be black as of right now.

Also for being such a brilliant mind and GM you sure don't know much. Vince Young ran the second fastest fourty for any black QB outside of Vick. So when you can explain how he is slower then those guys I will be willing to listen.

McNabb - Star
Culpepper - Bad luck, but was a star
VY - Will be a star
McNair - One of the biggest tough guys and winners the sports seen (Last time I checked he missed half a season once) All QB's miss time outside the insane Manning's and Favres

I find it so funny that Palmers and Brees accident were freak accidents but Cullpepper just running and having his ACL tear wasn't haha...

And Vick breaking his leg while scrambling to find an open receiver wasn't.

Yet 100% of black RUNNING quarterbacks have been unsuccessful in the league. Defend that?
Oct 15, 2006
This thread is a perfect example of why i'd be the best GM of all time. notice how many people come to the defense of these people yet they suck.

I'd bet when looking at a draft, i am the only onje here that looks at tyhe potential of the 2008 or 2009 draft, aren't i. Like Russell, you don't take a QB #1 overall because you "need" a QB, you take him because you think he'll be a franchise guy and will be tyhe face of your franchise for 15 years.

Yet, even the experts suggest, the raiders need to take a QB because they "need" one.

Best GM in history thaT WILL never have a chance to prove his talent all because i didn't play in the NFL in the 70's
Oct 15, 2006
I seriously can't get over how dumb some of you are. you deserve the get beaten very badly for your stupidity. i don't think I want you around.

They all miss a year due to injury and is their 1 that you can seriously build a franchse around.

The best ever was warren moon and he was a pure pocket passer in the first days of the Run N shoot, what does that tell you jackasses. God, you morons are dumbfucks
Oct 15, 2006
Have to have a cheat day once in awhile. Don't sit here and play the "big and bad" bodybuilder who wouldn't DREAM of cheating on his diet once in awhile. I cheat on Friday nights and Sunday evenings, tonight I chose Quiznos.

Haha. You don't know my metabolism pal. I can get away with eating that and my guess is still look better than you.

Who said I was a bodybuilder. Oh i forgot, according to your dumbass who shouldn't be breathing the same air as me, I'm a meathead, right? god, you are 1 fucking moron. please move along and select your BLACK franchuise quarterback who won't be there 5 years from now. I know, i know. That makes me a racist and ignorant jackass right? haha, you just joined the race of dumb americans who are beneath me
Oct 15, 2006
Donavan is so ridicoulouly overated. i love the folks that act like he is good. not someone I'd want for my "franchise" quarterback especially since they will be on the decline for the next 5 years because black QB's lose it at atge 30. More susceptable to injury and their legs that made them the high draft pick die.

Urlacher may have put up great numbers at New mexico, but he was hardly a well known player until the draft came around. Was he even in toen for any real awards ceremonies? Well, that doesn't matter but if he was so highly regarded he surely would not have went to New Mexico

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